Upcoming and Past Events
Join us for the Ohio Healthy Homes Network 2025 Spring Conference. The conference theme is “Housing as a Safe Space: Creating Healthier Communities.” The one-day conference will be held in Columbus at OSU’s Fawcett Center.

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week – October 20-26, 2024
The Ohio Healthy Homes Network and People Working Cooperatively hosted an event at the PWC facility in Cincinnati to commemorate National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week. Community leaders and statewide leaders in lead poisoning prevention each spoke about the importance of increasing awareness and resources. The event culminated with a first-person account from Lawanda Henry whose grandniece tested positive for elevated lead levels likely caused by aging windows and paint in Henry’s home.
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The webinar addresses the new standard for professional mold remediation. Discussion will focus on revisions in the latest edition of the S520, and how these shifts address critical changes to the industry. This introduction will also highlight new justifications, definitions and language changes to the world’s only multidisciplinary standard of Care for Professional Mold Remediation with ANSI accreditation.
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Annual CONFERENCE – MAY 10, 2024
The 2024 OHHN Annual Conference was held on Friday, May 10, 2024. The conference featured leading experts from healthcare, government, and community organizations to discuss the latest research and developments in the effort to eliminate lead poisoning and improve indoor environmental quality in Ohio.
2024 Annual Conference Handouts

Spring Conference – May 12, 2023
In its first in-person Spring Conference since the Covid-19 pandemic, presenters and attendees enjoyed informative discussions about the future of lead poisoning prevention and indoor environmental quality in Ohio.
Conference Handouts

Fall 2021 – Lead Service Line Replacement
Panelists discussed the role Lead Service Lines (LSLs) play in childhood lead poisoning. Examples were shared from communities working to solve the problem and what they have gleaned from their experiences. Participants came away with a better understanding of how improvements in water infrastructure can lead to healthier communities.

Fall 2021 – Emergency Rental Assistance
This webinar focused on the impact of evictions and the intersection with emergency rental assistance. We explored steps to make sure renters are protected and accessing available resources. Updates were provided by experts from Low Income Housing Coalition’s (NLIHC’s) and the Eviction Lab.

Fall 2021 – Indoor Air Quality
We spend 90% of our time indoors where we are continuously exposed to diverse microbial communities. This talk highlighted three applications where enhanced understanding of the microbes in our indoor space can improve our health.

Spring 2021 – Rebuilding the Lead Response After Covid
Stay-at home measures needed for the pandemic along with delays in testing and abatement have increased lead exposures in children. Our expert panel will provide information on why lead testing and abatement is important from a clinical perspective, how to access lead abatement resources and grant programs, and why we should work together to complete this work to reduce childhood lead poisoning in our communities.

Fall 2020 – Lead Service Line Replacement: National, State and Local Initiatives
Lead Service Line Replacement: Nat’l State and Local Initiatives will discuss latest national news on LSL replacement, how Ohio’s laws and policies compare to other states, new bi-partisan LSL legislation in the Ohio House and community organizing to secure LSL replacement in a central city Toledo neighborhood.
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Fall 2020 – Healthy Homes Interventions in the Age of COVID
COVID 19 has forced many agencies to make major adjustments in their approach to serving the needs of clients for home repair, lead hazard control and weatherization. In this discussion, agencies in southeast, southwest and northeast Ohio shared their approaches to keeping both clients and employees safe while delivering quality services.
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Akron COVID-19 Questionnaire

Fall 2020 – Lead Safe Rental Housing Certification
This discussion featured a variety of approaches to achieving lead-safe rental housing ranging from a voluntary state registry to local ordinances requiring certification of rental housing. Primary topics that were discussed by the panel included the Ohio Lead Safe Housing Registry administered by the Ohio Housing Finance Agency, Lead Safe Cleveland, Lead Safe Toledo, and a proposed Lima rental registry and certification program.
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Fall 2020 – Medical Legal Partnerships
Medical Legal Partnerships (MLP) are the collaborative approach between healthcare providers and attorneys that brings civil legal aid services into healthcare to address social determinants of health among the vulnerable. MLPs have a unique role in achieving affordable, safe housing for children and families. The session included some cases that MLPs can help with and specific interventions to help children and families attain safe, affordable housing.
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Fall 2020 – Why does HEALTHY begin at home?
In 2017, the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (HPIO) reported scientific research that exposed how Ohio’s high infant mortality rate is directly impacted by housing affordability, racial segregation, and housing quality. In 2020, we had preliminary findings of the Healthy Begins At Home demonstration where many partners prioritized healthy housing for pregnant women. The study is ongoing but trends note how affordable, healthy housing reduces infant mortality.
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Fall 2020 – Ohio’s Medicaid Funded Lead Hazard Abatement Programs
Ohio’s Medicaid-Funded Lead Hazard Abatement Program is providing major resources for lead abatement in homes of lead-poisoned children in almost every Ohio county. Learn about this popular lead abatement program including history, progress to date and current challenges, as well as grants to local agencies.
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